2013年11月1日 星期五

some summary about workplace violence at Emergency Department

Workplace violence is violence or the threat of violence against workers. It can occur at or outside the workplace and can range from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and homicide, one of the leading causes of job-related deaths.
U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (2002)

Workplace violence can be described as the intentional use of power, threatened or actual, against another person or against a group, in work-related circumstances, tat either results in or has a high degree of likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development, or deprivation.
(Adopted by the 63rd WMA General Assembly, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2012)

A number of surveys have reported that those who work in emergency departments (EDs) experience high levels of violence and aggression.
Some suggest that 100% of emergency department nurses have, at some time, experienced workplace violence.
(Health Promot J Austr, van der Zwan, R.,2011)

As shown in previous research, most attacks occurred in the emergency room ; the wards and parking lot were next in frequency.
Women residents were more likely than men to call hospital security to intervene in a potentially violent situation
junior residents (postgraduate years 1-4) were more likely to be attacked than senior residents (> or = 5 years) 
 (The Western journal of medicine) (1997, Barlow, C. B. Rizzo, A. G.)

Violence in the health care sector can be categorized as either
Vertical’ occurring between health care professionals and the care recipients
 ‘Horizontal’ occurring among health care professionals or among care recipients.
(workplace violence in the health sector,P6,2008)

Aggressions towards nurses in emergency departments: an international literature review
Verbal abuses varies from 50% to 100%
physical violence ranges between 16.7% and 72%.
Patients and relatives are the main perpetrators, followed by doctors, and, only in lower percentages, by nurses colleagues.
 Alcohol, drugs abuse, and overcrowding in EDs are acknowledged as motivating factors for violent events.
Under-reporting of aggressions is frequent up to the 80% of victims, and some papers report that nurses consider assaults as a normal part of their work.
(J Prof Inferm, Brunetti, L.Bambi, S. 2013)


 Among the many factors, the number-one issue, is the economy. “We are dealing with a far greater percentage of our population that’s under economic stress, and this is always a trigger for workplace violence and also for domestic violence, which can spring over into the workplace.
Other contributing factors include long waits in the emergency room, overcrowding of hospitals and the lack of beds and rooms available at any given time, along with intoxicated patients.
(Trained and Ready, PAUL ROTHMAN, MAY 15, 2013 )

Waiting room

The waiting room can be a potential time bomb if not handled properly
Communication with patients about waiting time and being aware of and dealing with potential problems are the key to preventing violence.
(1998 J Healthc Prot Manage) (Fitzpatrick, T. K.)


The work process is marked by overload, individualization of responsibilities, time pressures and deadlines for making decision, little space for exchange and sharing, lack of support or guidance.
The strong pressure to provide care quickly causes conflict and aggression among users and the different professional teams. These situations arise from problems in work organization and users in excess of the ER service capacity.
CONCLUSION: The article recommends changes in the work process that can simultaneously improve both the quality of care for patients and provide protective measures for workers.
(Work)(Lancman, S.Mangia, E. F.Muramoto, M. T 2013)

2013年6月20日 星期四

An outline for persuasive speech

Specific goal: To persuade my audience to purchase my product named Tide to go.
Thesis statement :
Definitely, you need something to save the moment.
That will be "Tide to go"

Attention getter : showing a photo with some sorts of foods, and asking my audience a question, What is the common among those food. The answer is----Ketchup.

Have you ever made a ketchup stain or other sauce stain on your cloth?
Imagining that, you just got a food stain on your cloth but you are going to an important meeting, have a first time date with a girl or boy, or deliver a speech.
What will you do to remove the stain and save the moment?
Use tissues or damp napkins?
That may not work.
Definitely, you need something to save the moment.
That will be "Tide to go"

A. Save the moment with the #1 instant stain remover.*
Save the moment with Tide to Go, the instant stain remover that helps eliminate some of your toughest fresh food and drink stains. Best of all, Tide to Go travels easily to stop stains on the spot.

B. How it works ( with demonstration)
 1. Remove excess residue from the stain.
 2. Press the tip onto the stain several times to release some stain remover solution onto the stain.
 3. Rub tip gently across the stain to remove it. When necessary, add more liquid and continue rubbing gently.
 4. Important: If treated area will be exposed to direct sunlight, wipe with a damp cloth or napkin to remove excess solution left on fabric.
For tough stains, place a paper towel under the stain while treating or wipe excess liquid or residue away with a damp paper towel, or reapply as necessary.

C. Tide to go, when ever you go
   With a size of a pen, it is so convenient for you to carry out. You can't not go out without it.

A. Save money
  You can save money by removing the stains from your cloth. As you know, if you can not remove the stain immediately, it might be removed hardly. Remove the staid, save your cloth and save your money.
 B. Save your ears from murmuring
Tell me, do you do laundry by yourself. If you don't, you need " Tide to go" to remove the stain, or you will hear a lot of murmuring from you mom, wife, or ....
 C. Remove any stain on anything
 Such as luxurious bag, shoes, and thing you want.

 Now we all know how Tide To Go to remove the stain instantly. Beside it can remove any stain, save your ears, and save money. A 5 piece set used to sell by 19.99. But today i will offer a special price as you are going to graduate. Today a set of 5 piece Tide To Go just sell 9.99. What are you waiting for? Just order it by calling 0800-911-911. Tide to go, where ever you go. 

2013年6月18日 星期二



消費金額:六人生日套餐 + 4杯500CC beer ~8個人一起share, 每人680 


    薯條   德國香腸   德國豬腳  椒麻雞翅

   Black as Chocolate 6吋蛋糕 



2013年6月17日 星期一

EX#4: 學習在網路上拍賣商品



拍賣商品/服務內容:生活、居家  > 其他                               


一、   部落格行銷

二、   臉書行銷

三、   直接從拍賣網站行銷

四、   APP廣告行銷

五、   關鍵字


2013年6月14日 星期五










2013年6月13日 星期四










2013年5月31日 星期五

平井坚 瞳をとじて

作詞:平井堅 作曲:平井堅 編曲:亀田誠治

朝目覚める度に 君の抜け殻が横にいる
a sa me za me ru ta bi ni ki mi no ne ke ka ra ga yo ko ni i ru
每當早晨醒來時 你的軀殼就躺在身旁

ぬくもりを感じた いつもの背中が冷たい
nu ku mo ri wo ka n zi ta i tsu mo no se na ka ga tu me ta i
總是感覺到溫熱的背 如今卻是冰冷的

苦笑いをやめて 重いカーテンを開けよう
ni ga wa ra i wo ya me te o mo i ka a te n wo a ke yo u
別苦笑了 將沉重的窗簾拉開吧

眩しすぎる朝日 僕と毎日の追いかけっこだ
ma bu shi su gi ru a sa hi bo ku to ma i ni chi ni o i ka ke kko da
炫目的早晨 追逐著我的每一天

あの日 見せた泣き顔 涙照らす夕陽 肩のぬくもり
a no hi mi se ta na ki ka o na mi da te ra su yu u hi ka ta no nu ku mo ri
那一天 看見哭泣的臉 是夕陽照著淚水 而肩膀的溫熱

消し去ろうと願う度に 心が 体が 君を覚えている
ke shi sa ro u to ne ga u ta bi ni ko ko ro ga ka ra da ga ki mi wo o bo e te i ru
總希望能夠揮灑而去 我的心和身體都惦記著你
Your love forever

瞳をとじて 君を描くよ それだけでいい
hi to mi wo to zi te ki mi wo e ga ku yo so re da ke de i i
輕閉雙眼 在心中描繪你的樣子 這樣就行了

たとえ季節が 僕の心を 置き去りにしても
ta to e ki se tsu ga bo ku no ko ko ro wo o ki sa ri ni shi te mo
即使季節 將我的心棄置不顧

いつかは君のこと なにも感じなくなるのかな
i tsu ka wa ki mi no ko to na ni mo ka n zi na ku na ru no ka na
總有一天 你的全部 也都會慢慢變得沒有感覺吧

今の痛み抱いて 眠る方がまだいいかな
i ma no i ta mi da i te ne mu ru ho u ga ma da i i ka na
所以我抱著這股沉痛 睡著會比較好吧

あの日 見てた星空 願いかけて 二人探した光は
a no hi mi te ta ho shi za ra ne ga i ka ke te Fu ta ri sa ga shi ta hi ka ri wa
那一天所看見的星空 是我們兩人找到的 乘載著願望的光

瞬く間に消えてくのに 心は 体は 君で輝いてる
ma ba ta ku ma ni ki e te ku no ni ko ko ro wa ka ra da wa ki mi de ka ga ya i te ru
雖然一瞬間便消失而去 但是我的心與身體 卻都因你而綻放光芒
I wish forever

瞳をとじて 君を描くよ それしか出来ない
hi to mi wo to zi te ki mi wo e ga ku yo so re shi ka de ki na i
輕閉雙眼 在心中描繪你的樣子 只能這麼做

たとえ世界が 僕を残して 過ぎ去ろうとしても
ta to e se ka i ga bo ku wo no ko shi te su gi sa ro u to shi te mo
Your love forever

瞳をとじて 君を描くよ それだけでいい
hi to mi wo to zi te ki mi wo e ga ku yo so re da ke de i i
輕閉雙眼 在心中描繪你的樣子 這樣就行了

たとえ季節が 僕を残して 色を変えようとも
ta to e ki se tsu ga bo ku wo no ko shi te i ro wo ka e yo u to mo
即使季節 將我棄置景色皆變

記憶の中に君を探すよ それだけでいい
ki o ku no na ka ni ki mi wo sa ga su yo so re da ke de i i
我還是在記憶中找尋你 這樣就行了

なくしたものを 越える強さを 君がくれたから
na ku shi ta mo no wo ko e ru tsu yo sa wo ki mi ga ku re ta ka ra
因為超越失去的強大力量 是你給我的

ki mi ga ku re ta ka ra